Questions first!

Do you know how many hours you spend searching the internet, looking for a specific item?
Are you the one in the family that does the searching for everyone?
Would you rather someone else did the work for you?

WANT IT IN MY WARDROBE was founded due to there being a need for a new type of service catering for consumers struggling to locate specific previously owned clothes and accessories, whether that be a dress you have longed for, but it went out of stock or that bag that is way out of your price range, new.

That dress, those shoes, that bag that cannot be found anywhere, I mean anywhere. You know it must be out there somewhere, right?

How do we get in touch with those people who have the item and are willing to discuss selling it.

Welcome – Want It In My Wardrobe.

A platform for members to ask the “marketplace”, i.e other members if they have the item you are looking for. Somebody out there has it, whether they are still wearing and loving it or they have it at the back of their wardrobe, under the bed, in the loft, scrunched up in storage bags – doing nothing.

We all like clothes and fashion, however in the current climate we would prefer not to pay full price for things, absolutely love a bargain and will happily take someone else’s new or used items for a fraction of the new purchase cost – keeping the item alive and out of landfill.

Search & Match

WANT IT IN MY WARDROBE is bringing you a service that we believe is innovative, unique and not available to consumers searching for pre-owned clothes and accessories. A clothes and accessories find and match service, with the emphasis on FINDING the items you have been searching for and never want to give up on.

Become a member and list the items you are searching.  Likeminded members will have listed items they too are on the lookout for and items they no longer want. The platform performs a search and if the item is located, we have a match –  PERFECT!! Items listed in your “wishlist” will stay live until a match is found, no need to refresh the listing or “repost”.

We aim to save you hours and hours searching through endless pages on third party selling sites, let us do the work for you.


We aim to save you time and money and most of all,
doing your bit for the environment.

You can join, confident in the fact that we will do our utmost to find the item for you.

Who would not want a more streamlined, timesaving and money saving service available to them?

That’s not all – included in your membership will be unlimited listings within your Wishlist and Wardrobe.

Thank you for taking the time to read more about us, why not become a member and start your journey of finding those items, you know you will never give up on!